Coding of Karma

Mahi Dhok
3 min readAug 13, 2021


The Law of justice.

Karma is a law. A law which rewards according to actions. Sometimes you may have done something good and then you may have realized, you got something good. This is law of Karma. Some people think this is only a spiritual law because this law in mentioned in religious books, but karma is even beyond that. As the international laws are applicable to everyone irrespective of their citizenship, similarly law of karma is applicable to everyone irrespective whether the person believes in spirituality or not.

What is this Karma? We often say it easily but really is it so easy? Karma is a complex law but here I am to make you aware about this law with easy examples. Karma suggests, if you do well you will get good and you do bad you will get so. Lets understand this with a simple example of bank account. Imagine you have deposited money in your bank account. After a fixed period of time you will start getting interest on that money, so by the end of year you will have deposited amount+ Interest. But if you took loan from bank after fixed period of time you have to return the money with interest so, loan + Interest = total money you have to deposit to repay all the loan. Similar works Karma.

Imagine there is a bank account of actions we will call it Karma account. When you do good deeds those deeds are automatically deposited in the account, after fixed period of time you get reward i.e., something good happens with you. Similarly if you do bad deeds those deeds would get deposited, interest will be applied on it and soon you will face something bad. Karma works automatically.

Lets take another example, you are passing by road and you saw a homeless person shivering with cold, you offered him food. Here your actions are optimistic and hence your actions are deposited and you will soon get reward of it with interest. May be you can get a chance to visit 5 star hotel because of your deeds. In other case you are passing by, you saw a kid enjoying his ice-cream you snatched it from his hand and started eating it. Here your actions are pessimistic, your actions will get deposited and according to interest you will get reward. It can be someday you are very hungry but you won’t be able to eat due to some or other reason.

You must be wondering, “what I meant by coding of karma?” Is it a new programing language? No, its a simple law. Coding is a language which operates a software. Similarly coding of Karma means a language which is used to operate Karma and that language is called actions. Many think this is just a superstition made by people to control one’s actions. But it really work and exists. Once when you do something good analyze yourself and you will realize its working.

There are some other myths that Karma works after death and causes rebirth etc. but one should not believe in them. But believe until you breathe on Earth the law works for you. It is applicable independently. There are some myths like until a kid matures his/her Karma works on parents. Everyone has their own Karma account and their own identity from the very starting seconds of their life.



Mahi Dhok

I am a student passionate about writing. I write stories, articles and poems based on my own experiences and views.