How to motivate your self?

Mahi Dhok
2 min readApr 22, 2021
self motivation lies within

How to get self motivated?

You may have gone through a condition when you loose or lack motivation. How to get motivated? Is the big question comes in your mind. You would listen to motivational speakers and some energetic songs. But this motivation doesn’t last long. After two minutes same condition of demotivation. Is there any way to get self motivated ? And will this motivation last longer ? Will it help you to do all your work better?

Lets find answer to this questions. Close your eyes and imagine about past success. Remember the happiness which you got when you won first prize. Recall the relief after result and nervousness before same. Now ask yourself a question do you want those days back? And if most possibly you get answer as yes than remember the hard work, patience, failures you faced but continued same to achieve your goals. Now ask another question to yourself will you work that hard to get success back? Give a condition to yourself if you want to get success than you have to do this. But if you don’t want to do this there is no other way leading you to success.

And after doing this I am sure you will get your answer. This is not only way there are many other ways which you have to find yourself to get self motivated. I will tell you another way you can write a letter to yourself telling how and what you done and a happy story. Click picture of this set an alarm of 1 month and after one month read the letter . Now you may be thinking what this will do? This will actually motivate you. You will remember the hard which is nothing in front of success and happiness you felt.

Another way is little crafty. Take a box. Color it with bright colors and take another piece of paper and write my life on it. Now make a hole inside a cap. Make it attractive. Its structure should be like money box. And whenever something nice motivating happens take a colorful paper write date and write what happened. Whenever you feel stressed and demotivated open the cap of box randomly picks a chit and read it. Trust me it acts like a magic in self motivation.

My motive behind writing this article is to make you aware about some easy yet motivating ideas which to can follow to get self motivated.



Mahi Dhok

I am a student passionate about writing. I write stories, articles and poems based on my own experiences and views.